Get More From Paid Search with the Best PPC Company in Chandigarh

Our number one goal is to maximize your PPC ROI by bringing in quality leads

You Deserve Best PPC Services, 

That Deliver Leads, NOT PROMISES.

At Pinaak, we make sure your paid search strategy gives back more than it takes. Every campaign we launch delivers returns on investment you simply can’t find elsewhere. And, because we optimize each campaign daily, we’re always two steps ahead of the game.


Why PPC Works?

Today’s prospects and customers have more options than ever. There is also more competition. Social media platforms and results pages are overflowing with content. Every minute, millions of blogs, videos and graphics are posted. It is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate your message with the people that matter most.

You cannot use PPC unless you do. PPC campaigns can help you target your audience (based on their location, interests, and other factors) and ensure that your message reaches its intended audience.

We Keep You Involved

We’ve all heard horror stories about campaign managers who will steal your money and disappear for months, then reappear with only a brief synopsis of his activities while gone.

PPC is a real-time strategy. We believe you should be able to see what’s going on with your campaigns at every stage. Our proprietary platform keeps you informed, and our project management team delivers regular reports.

Whether our campaigns are succeeding, faltering, or in a lull, you have a right to know what’s going on, as well as what our team is doing to meet your goals and deliver the ROI you expect.

Why You Need PPC — Pinaak Ventures

Data is the backbone of paid search campaigns. Before we can even think of a strategy, data is the foundation. We do extensive market research to get to know our clients’ long-term and short-term goals. We monitor campaign results and adjust strategies as necessary to ensure clients receive the best return. To achieve impressive results, Pinaak team relies on cutting-edge technology and platforms. But sometimes, the technology we need to get the job done doesn’t exist yet.

So We invent it

We developed a proprietary platform after realizing that multi-location clients couldn’t track cost-per lead down to the local level. This platform allows us to adjust paid campaigns in each location based on performance and trends.

Any PPC campaign that is successful will need to be well-resourced with data and technology. You won’t be able to enjoy long-term success without a partner who is fully invested in your success.

Pinaak prides itself on its attention to detail. Client requests are answered within five minutes by our project management team. Time is money, and we don’t want to waste it for our clients.

PPC Management Services

Pay per click advertising, also known as PPC, is a great way to increase your reach and find new customers. It can also help you grow your business. It’s easy to spend money on PPC, especially if you don’t have any strategy or don’t know the best way to optimize your bids. A PPC management company is a must-have if you are serious about using PPC as an advertising medium.

It’s Cost-Effective

People are very confused about PPC, they think PPC requires a very big amount of money or for a successful PPC campaign they need to pay lots of money. While this is just a misconception.

That’s not the case at all

There’s no doubt you can loss your money if you are not aware about how to optimize your ad and budget. It’s a good idea to get a professional PPC team that can help you optimize your advertising campaigns in the most cost-effective way.

Fastest way to get Target audience

When you have a website, traffic is vital for your business survival. But you don’t need any traffic but targeted traffic that can lead to sales.
Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is one of the most popular ways to drive targeted traffic to your website. It can take time to achieve the desired results with SEO.

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